Thursday, May 13, 2010

Life's precious moments are all around us

I mean, that is what life is all about, right..precious moments. You really need to go to The Pink Stamper's blog (or you tube Robynstamps) and check out her video. Not only is the scrap page adorable, but the best part comes at the end. I just adore her little guy, he has a voice a bit like Froggy from Our Gang, and believe me, when you see this part, you may become a bit teary like I did. My boys are men now (20 & 28), and I have to say, I was so envious for a moment when I saw Robyn & her son together. I miss those moments, but of course I have them in my heart and memories.

Yes, I am up..another patch change, another bout of insomnia..I feel like I am getting tired, it's just like not happening...freaky deaky I say! I am on my second cup of honey vanilla chamomile tea, hoping it will help, but oh well I can watch crafty videos, and also post on my blog..WOOOHOOO!

Murray brought home her annual today, and I love her quote next to her senior pic, here it is;

"If you have never said "Excuse me" to a parking meter or bashed your shins on a fire hydrant, you are probably wasting too much valuable reading time" ~ Sherri Chasin Calvo

This describes my daughter to a tee!!! She loves to read..I am lucky that way, all 3 of my children have a fantastic passion for reading. I so lucked out! LOL

I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks, my "baby" will be graduating..blows my mind...our next job is driver's license, as I may have some very important news..I mean she needs to get her license, but something may happen in our family that will require her to obtain it sooner than later. Oh I look forward to this! (NOT) I actually believe Murray will be a good driver, because she is very careful, and she may be scatterbrained like me at times, but when she focuses on's complete. So, I leave you now dear blog readers with hopes of happiness and joy for you all, (really I need to use the "loo" hehehe, I know..TMI). So I hope to be back with a post of Murray's card she made for her Grandparents...and designed herself..I am amazed!!!

Crafty Hugs,
Lisa :)

1 comment:

  1. They grow up so fast don't they Lisa? I call the years when my kids were home 'my golden years' and now I have a great nostalgia for those days
    big hugs
    En x
