Saturday, January 30, 2010

I also wanted to add, I will ask permission of the person who created the original project prior to recreating, now this is all a maybe as my craft time is limited due to my back, but thanks to Tammy from Holidays with the Cricut, I managed to make a great load of cards for Christmas. And of course the biggest shout out is to my Daughter who helped tremendously!! I hope to get some crafting done today, and work on some paper flowers..I am loving this technique. Oh yes, another technique some of you may be interested in is this link:

this technique produces very beautiful flowers, be sure to leave a comment if you like and follow her blog, I just started to, and her blog looks like she has some fantastic ideas!!!! more for today...LOL

Trying something a bit different....

So, I think my blogger is a Debbie Downer blog, so I'm hoping to add to it that may be more fun for me & whoever happens to find their way here to my little piece of me. I have a list that I posted of my fav blogs, and I do mean my fav, I have many more, but I figured start out small, don't get frustrated :) . I also hope to add my comments and possibly projects that I have created after watching many of my fav bloggers and their youtube videos, not to steal their projects, but if I can do them...anyone can, I promise you that. As you can see (hopefully if I did it right) there is already a blog for card of the week by the Barefoot stamper, so no need for another, but I would really like to showcase what I feel are the best videos out there, so if some of you are looking for inspiration and/or new to crafting, it may help, if not..oh well, I can also ramble on about other things as well.

*Note: best rambling is when I am PUI (posting under the influence), which means I'm pretty medicated up. Hopefully someday soon, there will be no need for these crappy meds and you can get to know the real me, but then again, someone in my high school annual wrote, "I liked you better when you were punk (and also taking speed)" prior to me becoming a Christian. So we shall see. ; )

God bless all, and have a great day!! A special shout out for those that are covered with snow right now..stay warm, and drink your hot cocoa!!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Well, tomorrow my Airman Ian turns 20, hard to believe. He is going to come visit in April, and I look forward to it more than anything!!!

Everything else, still the same, still waiting for decisions from the Department of Labor, still in pain, upping my duragesic patch to 50mcg. Oh and I was fired for not coming to work, they call it abandonment, I call it crap. Can't drive to work, and when I'm at work, a bit out of it to be doing much, but they wanted me to be Charge Nurse, my PA at my Pain management office thought that was the PERFECT job for me, I looked at her like she was crazy..In charge of the entire floor and ultimately responsible for the care of our wounded soldiers, veterans, & their Dependants. As a Nurse, I can't do that while medicated 24/7. I guess it shows how much my hospital cares. Sad.

On a brighter note, I have found a great project for Murray & I to do for her friends valentines goodies. Murray is a Senior, so of course, cute cards wouldn't cut it. If you get a chance, check out YouTube for mADDmartha, she has a tutorial on using conversation heart boxes and making them into ipods. Really cute idea. I try to do some crafting, but of course, it's a bit at a time, even behind on my son's birthday card, because I decided I wanted to try some watercoloring on watercolor paper. Capadia designs had a really nice card on her blog, which had rounded corner, and MS paisley punches. I used the card design, but the EK success punch that looks like swiss cheese, and the Hero arts clear stamps cupcake set. Hopefully some day I will figure out how to post photos on this thing, and maybe make a "real" blog!!!! LOL

God bless all and take care